In 1865, the Locomotive Act was passed in the United Kingdom. Under this legislation, all self-propelled vehicles which travelled on public roads were required to be preceded by a man waving a red flag and blowing a horn. This wasn’t for the benefit of the person driving the vehicle. This was to alert the people on the roads, around the vehicle, that something strange was moving quickly towards them.

All technology is an assistive augmentation. But whose experience is it augmenting? Who is being assisted and why?

Using candles, battery-powered LEDs, laptop cameras and infra-red sensors, A Refined Glare draws on different forms of lighting used in cars over the past century and a half as a means of locating the presence and identification of the human body in technical systems.

 A Refined Glare is a live performance, commissioned by Auto Italia South East as part of Daylight Management exhibition (14th January - 18th March 2018).